Summary – Bird Box 1

Species of bird currently using the boxNone
First interest shown in the box
First entry into the nest box by one bird
First entry into the nest box by both birds
First time the nest box is used by a roosting bird
First nesting wiggle by the female
First piece of nesting material brought into the nest box
The male feeds the female in the nest box
1st egg laid
2nd egg laid
3rd egg laid
4th egg laid
5th egg laid
6th egg laid
7th egg laid
8th egg laid
9th egg laid
10th egg laid
Full time incubation started
1st egg hatched
2nd egg hatched
3rd egg hatched
4th egg hatched
5th egg hatched
6th egg hatched
7th egg hatched
8th egg hatched
9th egg hatched
10th egg hatched
Eyes start to open
First wing flapping by a chick or chicks
Last night spent in the box by the female
1st chick fledged
2nd chick fledged
3rd chick fledged
4th chick fledged
5th chick fledged
6th chick fledged
7th chick fledged
8th chick fledged
9th chick fledged
10th chick fledged

If you would like to view a summary from another box, please click on the options below:

Box 2 Summary
Box 3 Summary